10+ Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

It's a new year time which means there will be a lot of parties, meals, Hangouts, and clubbing. Everyone has started his preparations for New Year eve 2019. Shopping malls have been flooded with lots of offers for new year sale. It's like the best festival week of the Year from Christmas to new your Eve. Along with fun, there's also a most important thing which everyone does is having a new year resolution. This is the toughest task for anyone of any age to choose a good new year resolution for himself. That's the reason I have made a list of all the best new year resolutions to guide you and assist you to choose a better resolution for yourself you need this new year 2019. There are plenty of Ideas in my mind which I am going to share with you all.

A resolution is not just a promise to our self, it's a decision taken under full conscience to change our self into a better one from the last year. Never choose a resolution which is not practical or would not allow you to achieve goals.

There should be a proper guidance to choose a good new year resolution otherwise you would be trying to achieve an impossible goal or wasteful goal for the whole year.

A good person is one who always plans one's time to become a better person than yesterday but also cautious about the result of his plan.

10+ Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Most of the resolutions get weaker till February and all the planning go in vain. People start with so much energy but gradually it weakens and vanishes at the end. For example, the trending new year 2019 resolution is "lose weight" but do you think it is going to happen to you without any effort. The simple answer is a big NO. We can lose weight but not 10s of kilos. Be specific..... rather choosing to lose weight to decide to lose 1 kg per month or 1 pound per month.

Here I have the best new year resolutions for 2019 AD for any age group either you are teenager or adult. It is still suggested that decide your own new year resolution 2019. There are so many ideas below through which you can decide which is better for you according to your priority this year.

1). Maintain physical shape

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Everyone is astonished by the posts of fitness freaks on Instagram or Facebook. Yeah, it is a matter to think and get jealous by their fitness and also it is the top near resolution for anyone on earth to have a better shape and charming fitness.

But it doesn't mean to join a gym or fitness Centre from the first day of your resolution. You need to start at home first by doing little exercises or yoga. Start doing for 10 minutes daily for at least 1 month through which you will get some confidence and then you can join a nearby fitness Centre which is under your budget and approach.

As I have said earlier be specific don't choose to gain 10 kgs in 1 month or lose 5 kgs in 1 month, go step by step and try to put some small goals like lose 1 kg per month or gain 1 kg per month which is easily possible.

Fitness is not about looking like Arnold Schwenzer or Kim Kardashian you just need to be fit according to your height that's it. Fitness is something which goes with you along the whole life in every circumstance. So health should be on first on your priority list of New Year Resolution 2019 which is must for anyone.

2). Have self-esteem not EGO

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Personality is something which defines our attitude and our way to look at things. The second thing in anyone's priorities list should be self-esteem but it doesn't mean about ego or selfishness. Have some self-esteem, take some responsibilities, become mature and live with respect. It is indeed needed that we respect our self and become self-confident and perform most of our task ourself.

3). Eat healthily and be healthy

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Switch to a healthy diet this year and make a promise to yourself to be health conscious and diet conscious. The main reason for a bad health is our diet if we are not eating a healthy diet with appropriate nutrition then we are going to face some strong diseases in future. A healthy diet improves your personality as well as your efficiency to work.

It's not a one day workshop that you go shopping and buy some healthy food to eat and that's it. Start slowly by putting off some junk food from your diet plan and add some fruits or vegetables instead of them. Change small things from your meal.

4). Stop procrastinating

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

The biggest barrier to your successful life is your own habit of procrastinating which controls you not to move and stay here as long as you are unwilling to change your habit. Take a pledge to stop your Procrastination habit and build a habit of "do it now". There are a Lots of apps on Google Play which helps you to stop procrastinating and build a good habit to complete your goals on time. You need to read some books which help in achieving a successful life.

Procrastination is like a trap or you can say a drug if you start it once then it goes on its own and you become a victim of it. This is 2019 and your new year resolution should to stop procrastinating in 2019 and become a successful person.

5). Meet new people and start networking

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Networking is an important practice which is not taught in school or anywhere in the world, it is an ability to get friended with anyone or hang out like a business meeting. Due to shyness, some people love to stay at home and pass time by watching YouTube or scrolling social media. Life is all about learning and no one is going to learn anything at home. It is needed to get out of the home and meet new people and get some real-life experience which will definitely help you in future too much extent. Don't be afraid about meeting a stranger the world is getting connected and getting smaller in 2019 and it's a new year to have some change in your personality.

By saying networking it doesn't mean you need to put your whole time on social media like Facebook. If you get that I'm sorry I wasn't meant to be that. I am saying to go out of your home and start any activity like a part-time job or internship and meet some new people to learn the real-life experiences to live.

6). Become more active

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

An agile person is always flattered by his parents and relatives that's a truth. Nimbleness is important in life, become active like leopard if you want to get ahead of your competitors. It's not a weight problem that you are excusing to yourself. Start some activity which forces you to keep moving until the day ends. Activity is only key to get success at right time. If you observe a tiger, while chasing a deer on Discovery channel you must have wondered by the activeness of that deer which starts running just before the tiger attacked it. However, it got caught after some time but it is its mind and activeness while eating or drinking which helps in running before a tiger. That's the rule of a forest, every creature has to be active to live more otherwise it will become the food of some other animal. That's the reason I have mentioned it as a new year resolution for 2019 because to some extent we humans are also like animals and in the race of winning the first prize of success we all are running with full energy.

7). Start meditation daily

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Mental concentration is important to focus on any work and it is the only thing which has become difficult for most of the population of the world due to the invention of Smartphones and gadgets. For many decades people have been searching for the logic behind concentration and mental skills and here we have got the answer meditation yes just 15 minutes meditation daily keeps you more active and dedicated to your work. In India, so many schools have started this activity in school premises during morning prayer whose results are incredible. It has been proved that meditation really helps in concentration and mental calmness. You are entering into a new year so it must be a new year resolution 2019 to be focused and dedicated to work. It is indeed easy by meditating daily for 15 minutes.

It is not recommended to start meditation for 15 minutes starting. It is better to start with 5 minutes of meditation that increases your time by 1 minute every week.

8). Built an attitude of gratitude

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Yes, you read it right gratitude is only key to be happy. Thank everyone who helps you or contributes his time to you. By just saying thanks, a person builds his personality positively. Indirectly it helps one to smile when someone shows respect for one's actions.

9). Intend to break one bad habit you have

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

"Starting a new year by quitting old and bad habits" is the best new year resolution. Everyone has some bad habits which he himself know but unable to change the habit. So it can be a good new resolution to break at least one bad habit that you have but don't want to take it to future.

10). Use less smartphone when you are with the family

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

As we all know smartphone are getting more closer to people then there own friends and family. It is not good because smartphones cannot appreciate any person when he is in grief. Smartphones are important to save time but by using it while your family is all together you are wasting all your precious moment which is never gonna come back. So stop your habit of using a smartphone while you are at home with your family and talking to your parents. This can be the best new year resolution for 2019 to anyone and especially one's parents.

11). Start saving money and time

Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age

Money is not everything but it is the medium to buy anything so it is important to save some money in banks for any emergency case. 2018 could be your worst year but you have to make it clear that 2019 is going to rock for you. So start saving from the first month of January and see the change in the bank account when you take another new resolution for 2019.

Help here is a video to get help from the context written above. just play it.
Comment down your new year resolution for 2019.
10+ Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age 10+ Best New Year Resolutions for 2019 AD for any age Reviewed by Aryan Singhania on November 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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